overtaking situation meaning in English
- The head on situation and overtake situation can be regarded as a special case of cross situation ; 5 through the comprehensive analysis of all kinds of schemes , to determine a best scheme of radars collision avoidance , which may be applied to the following three circumstances : cross situation , head on situation as well as overtake situation , thus to take any measures to alter course , slow down or slow down with alteration ; 6 through the analysis of a special situation , to study the method how to calculate the range of dangerous angle of collision avoidance ; 7 through the statistics of action of collision avoidance , to find out the rules of taking actions to revise the " best scheme " ; 8 the principle and method of optimization are presented
6 、对一种特殊的会遇情况:位于转向不变线或其平行线上的来船的dcpa和tcpa的变化作分析,探讨出“转向忌讳角”的求取方法,在避碰方案中应避免使用“转向忌讳角。 ”在多船避让时,如采取一次转向行动让清所有船舶,则该理论的应用将使避碰方案更加完美。 7 、对驾驶员的避碰行为作调查统计(交叉相遇) ,得出驾驶员在交叉相遇局面中的行动幅度和行动时机(距离)的统计数据,得到行动幅度和行动时机的平均值,对“最佳方案”进行修正。 - The research works of this paper can be mainly demonstrated in the following aspects : 1 new model of dangerous degree of collision avoidance ( ddca ) was studied to determinate the best scheme of collision avoidance ; 2 ten factors , which affect the avoiding effect , were discussed in details ; 3 changing rules of dcpa and tcpa were discussed , according to the international collision avoidance rules at sea , under the following three circumstances : cross situation , head on situation , as well as overtake situation ; 4 to focus the discussion on cross situation
2 、确定影响避让效果的十大因素,将其产生的影响以行动时机提前量来消除。 3 、将船舶会遇局面按国际海上避碰规则所划分的交叉相遇局面、对遇局面、追越局面三种局面分别讨论dcpa和tcpa及其变化规律,结合船舶碰撞危险度评价并确立最佳避让方案。 4 、将交叉相遇局面作为本文的研究重点,对遇局面和追越局面可以视作交叉相遇局面的特殊情况来处理。